Additional tool Table Downloader, allows you to import tables previously uploaded to the CM Tools Server (file share). You can then keep them up to date at the click of a button.
Table Exporter renamed Table Uploader. Added export to CSV file, for quick exporting of data to other systems. CSV files cannot be imported with Table Downloader, however Excel has built in functionality to import from text files.
Made multiple bug fixes, compatability with Office 2007 and 2010.
Note that Windows XP does not contain the cryptographic libraries needed to safely store passwords, as such it is not recommended to use the server connection features. However if you do, CM Tools will not store the password. Instead you should map a drive to the share in order allow Windows XP to handle the password, then enter no username or password in the server connection setup. Overall Windows XP is an unsupported Operating System.
Visit the CM Tools for Microsoft Office page