Change Log for CM Tools for Office
Excel Version 1.4 (Released 07/12/2014)
- Extended configs for tables, allowing definition of Primary Keys, recommended for all uploaded tables
- Introduction of change tracking
- Change tables
- A lot of bug fixes
- Performance improvements for table downloads
- Update document data en masse
Excel Version 1.3 and Word Version 0.6 (Released 12/11/2014)
- Major bugfixes and error handling
- Improved server connectivity, error handling and refined connectivity and tracking
- Table Column Sync tool added to Excel
- Server Manager and Explorer included in Word Tools as well
Excel Version 1.1 and Word Version 0.4 (Released 28/10/2014)
- Major bugfixes and error handling
- Update to progress control
- Please wait messages during long tasks
- Allow connecting to server if authenticated outside of the app (e.g. mapped drive)
- Check for updates (in About CM Tools)
- Server Explorer (in Excel)
Excel Version 1.0 (Released 18/10/2014)
- Added Table Downloader tool (similar to Server Tables in Word)
- Renamed Table Export to Table Uploader and added export to CSV functionality
- Fix uploading tables that have error conditions (#N/A, #VALUE, #NAME etc…
- Store background colour of cell in xml, including Conditional Formatting in Excel 2010+
- Add error checking for WMI queries
- Add warning when attempting SHA1 encryption on Windows XP (or any OS without cryptographic libraries)
- Fix error which collected to textual value of a date (which Excel helpful converts to ###### if it runs out of space in the cell) to instead collect the actual value in Excel date format
Word Version 0.3 (Released 10/10/2014)
- Resolved shared memory issue, where cached data from one document, could be read in another if it shared the same winword.exe process.
- Implemented exclusive memory space for non-shared objects
Word Version 0.2 (Unreleased)
- Added autopick functionality to Server Table
- Minor bug fixes
Word Version 0.1 (Released 06/10/2014)
- Completely new Add-In
- New Functionality – Server Connection
- New tool – Key Data
- New tool – Server Table
Excel Version 0.9 (Released 06/10/2014)
- New Functionality – Server Connection
- New tool – Key Data
- New tool – Export Table
- Check for Excel Compatability Mode and warn
- Move CMTools to right hand side of ribbon
Version 0.8 (Released 16/07/2014)
- New tool – Text Tools
- New tool – Error Checker (Incorrect Formula Scanner)
- Standardise launch tools
- Movement of all table handling tools into standardised classes
Version 0.7 (Unreleased test 17/06/2014
- Update to table definitions class
- Split code for alpha and beta features
Version 0.6 (Released 11/06/2014)
- Update to resolve TLW bug for Excel 2007 (#ThisRow requirement)
- Update to ignore errors for system information in Windows XP
Version 0.5 (Released 10/06/2014)
- Additional error checking in TLW
- Improvements to layout for simplification in all tools
Version 0.4 (Released 06/06/2014)
- Initial release of the following tools:
- Amalgamate Duplicates
- Table Lookup Wizard